Tuesday, May 12, 2009

On the road to Bangkok

May 12/09...

At the Siem Reap airport, checked in and waiting to board the plane (not for another hour yet)... no internet signal so this will be posted later.

I managed a skype call to Dad before we left the Jasmine Lodge... Mom's catscan came up clear, so that's a huge weight off my chest.

Feeling a bit stressed from yesterday, will have to find something ridiculously fun to do when we land to let off some steam. I'm thinking it may be time to rent a motorcycle and get some proper wind in my face. .

Ok, we're in Bangkok now... Rick & I are rooming together at a high school senior's place by the name of Lucky. All of our homestays here will be quite wealthy people, as the host organization is a high-end private school. We're staying in an 8th floor condo (the entire 8th floor)... haven't met Lucky's folks yet, theoreticall will do so sometime before dinner @ 7pm. We were picked up by a chauffeur and when we got home we were brought a plate of guava slices by the... maid... this will be a new experience.

We went out for a walk to explore the area and soon found out that the residents probably don't go out by foot around here... at ground level, it's a pretty seedy area.

More later... ?

-- Post From My iPhone

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