Thursday, May 14, 2009

Last performace day

May 14/09...

Today was a long day... up at 5am in order to make it to the school by 7am. We didn't actually need to be there until 9am, but the school's about 10km out of town and the only real way pf getting there was to go in with our host student who has early class.

We had two shows at the school, one for the primary/intermediate students, then one for the secondary kids. Both were well met with much enthusiasm from both the audience and our ailing choir (by now most of the choir has caught the "tour cold"... I'm next).

We then bussed into town to the "old" school campus which now houses a large church, had a couple hours free time to eat/rest/wander, then our final concert of the tour, significant for two reasons as it was the last time Bruce conducted Prima. The concert went well, then Rick & I made our way home via skytrain & taxi in the pouring rain.

I think I'm catching the tour cold, had a few sneezing attacks and some tickling in my chest... we'll see tomorrow I guess, at least I got all our shows out of the way first.

When I got home the tux I ordered yesterday had arrived. Tried on the jacket & vest, they fit great and are very light, will make fine working duds.

-- Post From My iPhone

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